Thursday, September 29, 2016

Row by Row Quilt - Row 4

Took a few nights, but the second to last row is finally finished.  Yeah!

I used paper piecing to stitch the ends of the crosses with normal piecing for the rest of the squares.

I did it in 2 colour ways, 3 blocks each.

Now for the Texas Star block which resembles our Guild's logo.  A block with lots of minute pieces which I have been dreading since starting to work on this quilt.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Row by Row Quilt - Rows 6 and 8

It is amazing how fast a quilt can grow if you just get down to business.  Working 3 nights this week on this project left only 2 rows of 6 blocks each to be done.  5 rows are joined with another 2 rows ready to be added.  The 2 rows left is however the most difficult ones.  Paper piecing but as the blocks measure only 5 inches it is minute pieces that must be stitched together.

The 2 rows I did this week was one with stars as suggested by another group of our Guild, called Stars (a.k.a. Sterre in Afrikaans).

Then I continued on with the row of Courthouse steps

whilst Gizmo kept me company.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Crown Catering

I have been struggling with myself the past week to embroider logo's on the staff of Crown Caterings' new uniforms. 

August and September is notoriously difficult months for us with extreme lows as we remember the passing of our first born on the 22nd of August 2003 as well as his birthday 17 September 1983.  Our house burned on the 31st of August 2014 followed by our 34th anniversary on the 4th of September.  So, it is a lot of extreme emotions all bottled up with nowhere to go.  And as if to add insult to injury on the 31st of August, whilst waiting at a traffic light in town, my husband's cell phone got pluck from his shirt pocket through the slightly open car window.

I am however slowly starting to climb out of the black hole I have been wallowing in the last few weeks as it does not solve anything.  It only steals precious time that could have been spend more wisely and/or productive.

Below are photo's of the logo as embroidered on the front and back.

18 x 18cm on the backside - stitching time 39 minutes.
With the smaller 10 x10cm on the front.


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Spit Cloths

My husband, Trevor and I have been embroidering spit cloths last week.  As he was on sick leave due to extremely high blood pressure, he embroidered a few by himself.  It was the first time he embroidered with the Innovis 400 and he quite enjoyed it.

The theme was animals and we had to add the days of the week.

For Monday I picked a beautiful Persian.

Tuesday and Wednesday - a Collie and a sheep.

 Thursday and Friday was adorned with a cow and horses. 

 For Saturday and Sunday we picked a hen and a rabbit.

And on the eight nappy was pigs.

About a month ago I embroidered the 4 spit cloths below for a baby boy named Lambertus.  I chose various funny/comical modes of transportation .

Store opened on Oregon Patchworks

Ever since winning the full Embroidery Studio by Sierra in 2004, I dabbled with digitizing designs as well as wanting to open an online stor...