Saturday, May 12, 2012

Chenille Quilt 2-2

At last I'm able to access my blog after my security has been compromised by one poor and obviously very bored and lonely person. Had to buy and install additional firewalls and spyware etc. Is also in the process of changing all my passwords. Can one person cause one so much grieve?

Luckily I was able to finish the Chenille Quilt in time to give to my Mother tomorrow for Mother's Day.

I hope all of you mothers out there enjoy a happy Mother's Day!

Koisan Designs

I designed these portrait studies of the Koisan people of the Kalahari a few years ago using photo stitching software. 

I find their culture very interesting.  It is unfortunately under threat of extinction as the Westerners think they are doing them a favour by putting clothes on their bodies and roofs over their heads. 

These portraits capture the very essence of the Koi San.


Picking Berries




Members only design uploaded to my store

With my Brother Innovis 4000 machine out of order since September 2024, I was just able to complete the Members only design I needed to uplo...