Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oranje Quilters Guild last quaterly meeting for 2013

At our last meeting for the year, a few of our group's ladies showcased their Innovative Quilts.

Dalene van der Colf with her beautiful butterflies
Hanlie Hoffmann also opted for the butterflies, equally beautiful.

My friend of 32 years, Rika van der Merwe, started quilting at the end of last year and decided to do this quilt as her Beginners project.  It turned out absolutely beautiful with her quilting attracting a lot of attention and compliments.  Well done!

And the 3rd place Viewer's Choice:


How many irons does a quilter need?

Well obviously not only one.  When travelling to classes, small handy travel irons are a handy tool or purpose-built quilting irons which ar...