Friday, July 14, 2023

Biscornu and Scissor cases

After embroidering a biscornu and scissor pockets for my friend's birthday, the other members of our quilting group, the Rotary Cutters, expressed their interest in obtaining similar sets.  I told them it's fine, I will do the embroidery as long as they do the hand stitching themselves as I am not big on doing hand stitching.  Luckily only one ordered the complete set with the biscornu included, so I decided to finish sewing everything.  Each ordered in their favorite colors, so after combining the various parts and pieces in the largest frame my Brother Innovis 4000 uses, I started embroidering.  And I must say, they did look gorgeous.

Marietjie loves red and green which was embroidered on a light ivory Chintz fabric.

Angeline chose grey, turquoise and magenta and I stitched this on white Chintz.

After friend Aletta saw Angeline's set, she also ordered one.
(Updated 1 October 2023)

Elsa requested black and red which was also stitched on white.

and Frances chose the rich bible colors of purple, fuchsia, scarlet etc. also stitched on white.

The designs are the Biscornu 2 set from Artistic designs available here. 

Friend Magda got a set for her birthday done in orange and green on the ivory Chintz.

Whilst embroidering al the sets, I kept everyone's bits and pieces in separate marked bags with the colors used as not to get confused.

All that remains now is to put all the thread used away in the handy steel drawer system I use to keep my threads organized by color and number.

Over the 23 years since starting to embroider, I managed to collect the whole catalogue of Marathon Thread of 399 cones as well as a few other brands.

Each one is wrapped with a plastic sleeve which are kept in place with a small elastic band to protect it from dust.

Unboxing brand new Brother Luminaire XP1

After 3 months of waiting, my new Luminaire was finally delivered on Friday.  After paying a deposit in November, the machine was kept for m...