Saturday, September 3, 2016

Spit Cloths

My husband, Trevor and I have been embroidering spit cloths last week.  As he was on sick leave due to extremely high blood pressure, he embroidered a few by himself.  It was the first time he embroidered with the Innovis 400 and he quite enjoyed it.

The theme was animals and we had to add the days of the week.

For Monday I picked a beautiful Persian.

Tuesday and Wednesday - a Collie and a sheep.

 Thursday and Friday was adorned with a cow and horses. 

 For Saturday and Sunday we picked a hen and a rabbit.

And on the eight nappy was pigs.

About a month ago I embroidered the 4 spit cloths below for a baby boy named Lambertus.  I chose various funny/comical modes of transportation .

Unboxing brand new Brother Luminaire XP1

After 3 months of waiting, my new Luminaire was finally delivered on Friday.  After paying a deposit in November, the machine was kept for m...