Monday, August 6, 2012

The Art of Quilting Sampler Quilt - Blocks 1 and 2

Last week, a very dear friend of mine (31 years and counting), Rika van der Merwe, asked me to teach her to quilt.  I've heard about this new series, The Art of Quilting, and suggested taking this course. 

We bought the first 2 issues and sew the first 2 blocks on Saturday.  They look like this:

Casper admiring the blocks...

We may or may not finish the whole double bed quilt - it all depends on how expensive it gets and the techniques taught.

You can read more about this project here.

Another new project...

Store opened on Oregon Patchworks

Ever since winning the full Embroidery Studio by Sierra in 2004, I dabbled with digitizing designs as well as wanting to open an online stor...