Monday, July 21, 2014

Embroidered toys for Aiden (2)

Another few toys I made for Aiden.  Having a few hundred thousand designs, it is impossible to keep track of the websites of all the free one's.  I think this little frog came from the Cuties website as well.  Unfortunately it has been down for a few months now, so it will do no good adding the link.
A cute, or is it grumpy? frog face.
Ollie Owl - from GG designs embroidery

This gorgeous set of Teddy's from Inspiration Mutz was a definite choice.  I fell in love with the designs the moment I saw them and just had to buy them.  I wanted to do the bunny family is well but unfortunately ran out of time.
Baby Bear

Mama Bear

and Papa Bear

The family.  Aren't they just beautiful?

My son-in-law was real perplexed when I said I need unused cat litter to finish up Aiden's toys!  As I wrote in last week's post, I did all the embroidery and stitching at home.  After my husband stuffed them, I just added the cat litter in zip lock bags to the bottom before closing them up and Voila! standing proud.


Members only design uploaded to my store

With my Brother Innovis 4000 machine out of order since September 2024, I was just able to complete the Members only design I needed to uplo...