Friday, December 16, 2016

Angel Hearts Workshop

A Facebook friend of mine started a workshop for disabled people called Angel-Hearts-Workshop .  From the start it was Karen's goal to produce quality products.  Under her care these people flourished and became known for exactly that.  So, if you are in Bloemfontein and want a special gift, go visit them at Leviseur street 4B, Westdene.

I recently embroidered for each a facecloth in their favourite colour with their name on it and included a bar of soap which my husband and I made.  They were absolutely thrilled.  This just reminded me again that the size op the gift does not matter at all. 

Sammy (left) and Richard




Store opened on Oregon Patchworks

Ever since winning the full Embroidery Studio by Sierra in 2004, I dabbled with digitizing designs as well as wanting to open an online stor...