Sunday, December 30, 2018

Playing house

It's been almost 2 months since my previous post.  Whilst I had been working hard quilting my mystery quilt, I still have to add the border which means I wont finish this one in 2018 still.  I started making clothes again after about 20 years and have been busy with various embroidery projects as well.

The last two weeks have been spent mostly in and around the home with some time off work, but with a husband out of commission for almost a month now due to a full knee replacement and our domestic workers on leave as well, I was kept pretty busy playing house.  It is extremely dry in our area and with occasional wind, dust storms and a severe heatwave last week, even the pool needed cleaning every day.

I embroidered these 6 spit cloths using the Baby Heirloom Set 2 of Hatched in Africa

which I also used a while back to embroider this spit cloth for a colleague's grand daughter.

I also finished two for twins featuring Barney.

Members only design uploaded to my store

With my Brother Innovis 4000 machine out of order since September 2024, I was just able to complete the Members only design I needed to uplo...