Friday, January 25, 2013

The Art of Quilting Sampler Quilt - Blocks 17, 19 and 20

After the initial poor start with the subscription service, the blocks now arrive like clockwork on time every 4 weeks or so.  I even managed to catch up to the issues currently on sale in the shops.  They are even going to replace two issues I made a mess with at no extra cost!  How's that for service?  I'm rather impressed.

Blocks 17, 19 and 20
Blocks 21-24 is lying in wait to be stitched.  I am however currently working hard on my kaleidoscope quilt for our general meeting on the 7th of February.

Members only design uploaded to my store

With my Brother Innovis 4000 machine out of order since September 2024, I was just able to complete the Members only design I needed to uplo...