Sunday, May 3, 2020

Face Masks

As wearing face masks in public places are now compulsory under Level 4, I spend the 2 public holidays we had this week making a few.  I have been collecting various free designs since March from various websites I follow when the face mask craze hit the northern hemisphere.

The first two I made was done with my sewing machine, but both could be make entirely by hand as well.  Instructions for both can be found on YouTube.

Follow instructions here for the round one and the rectangular one's can be found here.

I also made some masks from Stitch Emporium (featured in top position) and Ohana which are our favourite one's.

My husband ordered this one with shark teeth, but as it is heavy embroidery, it is extremely hot, so this is the only one embroidered with a motif.  As I could not get any pipe cleaners to shape the nose part, I used Stitch Delight's in-the-hoop mask pattern an added the shark teeth from Smartneedle .

Below are some more of Smartneedle's designs.

Store opened on Oregon Patchworks

Ever since winning the full Embroidery Studio by Sierra in 2004, I dabbled with digitizing designs as well as wanting to open an online stor...