Saturday, October 29, 2016

Row by row quilt - Row 7

Although all 9 rows is finished and the quilting 2/3's of the way done, I have not posted pictures of row 7 yet. 

I struggled with the 2 rouche blocks that forms part of this row and in the end opted for two 9 patch blocks as time was running out and I just could not get the technique quite right.  So, this is the only deviation I made to the quilt.

I stitched the 4 sewing machine blocks in the 2 colour ways shown below:

The design is from Smartneedle.  It is actually part of a beautiful Sewing Pouch and you can find the design here.

and the 9 patch blocks looks like this.

Now I just need to finish the quilting, border and binding in time for our meeting coming Saturday 5 November...

Members only design uploaded to my store

With my Brother Innovis 4000 machine out of order since September 2024, I was just able to complete the Members only design I needed to uplo...