Sunday, November 5, 2023

Embroidered sewing machines for friends

Nothing much happening around here craft wise.  I am helping my son setting up a buy and sell business which is keeping us pretty busy.  The only embroidery being done are 3 applique sewing machines for quilting friends attending a sew away hosted by the local Pfaff/Husqvarna vendor.

The first two are for co-quilter Frances.  The design is from Smartneedle 
which I edited with Embird software and are available here .

I received a photo of above design and low and behold, when I searched through my designs, I had the exact same one!  I had to split the stitching on the applique to be able to embroider that in a different color but with Embird, that was quickly done.  I have no idea where this design originates from.

Unboxing brand new Brother Luminaire XP1

After 3 months of waiting, my new Luminaire was finally delivered on Friday.  After paying a deposit in November, the machine was kept for m...