Sunday, March 2, 2025

Unboxing brand new Brother Luminaire XP1

After 3 months of waiting, my new Luminaire was finally delivered on Friday.  After paying a deposit in November, the machine was kept for me at Black Friday's discounted price including the upgrades for XP 2 and XP3.

Here she is, all 47kg of her.

The upgrades were sent in a separate parcel and included this package

with a small and large foot pedal as well as other accessories.  The machine did arrive with a medium size pedal as well, so I guess I will find out the different uses for all during my 3 days of training later in the week.

This box was also included which again I don't know what it is for.

The third box contains a frame of 272 x 272mm.

Included are also the following 4 frames:
100 x 100mm;  130 x 180mm;  240 x 240mm

 and the gigantic 272 x 408mm which is almost as big as all three above.

When I started embroidering in 2000, the biggest size the Bernina Deco 600 and 650 could handle, was 100 x100mm (the smallest frame in the top photo).  The first Brother I bought in 2005, the Innovis PE700 could embroider 130 x 180mm (the second frame in the top photo).  These machines were embroidery only machines.  Then I progressed to the Innovis 4000 combination in 2011 which can embroider 180 x 300mm which I am still using now after finally being repaired.

The embroidery unit sadly doesn't come in a carry case anymore as did the Innovis 4000, but with the arm moved out of the way, there is ample space for quilting and stitching without having to remove the embroidery unit.
The sewing unit with the medium size foot pedal.

All the other accessories included.

And there she is, the piece de resistance.

I took some photo's comparing the Innovis 4000 with the Luminaire showing the difference in size but seeing is believing.

On this photo the Luminaire's size in comparison with the Innovis 4000 is quite apparent.

 So, yeah, I am truly blessed.

Below are some features as advertised in the brochure.

The projector function

The camera function

Scan, convert and embroider

Unboxing brand new Brother Luminaire XP1

After 3 months of waiting, my new Luminaire was finally delivered on Friday.  After paying a deposit in November, the machine was kept for m...