Sunday, April 27, 2014

Free Motion Quilting

After free motioning various quilts over the past 3 years, I am at last feeling that I'm actually getting it right.  It is an art that can only be accomplished with hours and hours of practice (well, for me anyway).  I am so glad that I persevered!

I can't write about this without thanking Hettie Pringle, under who's guidance 4 of us did a beginners course in 2010.  Although we thought it quite a daunting task to free motion, Hettie inspired and helped us with valuable advice. 

3 weeks ago, my friend, Sonia Botes (read this post) asked my help with the quilting of a play mat for her granddaughter.  I used the loop-de-loop pattern and this is how it turned out:

 And over the Easter weekend, I free motioned the Outreach quilt I wrote about in this post:


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Birthday Presents

The Rotary Cutters will each receive a monogram for their birthdays this year.  After struggling with the free standing lace coming apart after dissolving the wash away, I embroidered them on white organza.

If you want these designs, you can get them here.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Art of Quilting Sampler Quilt - Blocks 64 to 72

With these blocks completed, 3/4 of the quilt's top is finished - 60 blocks!  Only 20 to go.

Block 64 and 71

Block 68,  70 and 72

Blocks 65, 66, 67 and 69

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pandora's Box

My son, Trevor jr, had an assignment to make Pandora's box.  All the problems facing humanity was put on the outside of the box with Pandora and a scroll listing the possible solutions, inside.

As Pandora was to be a handmade doll, we decided to embroider ours.  I used a design downloaded for free from the cuties.

This is what she looked like after being embroidered, stuffed and stitched together at the legs:

With the hair added:

and fully clothed.

now just waiting to hear how much we scored!

Members only design uploaded to my store

With my Brother Innovis 4000 machine out of order since September 2024, I was just able to complete the Members only design I needed to uplo...